Parental Care
When children arrive at Tree House, they are paired with a staff member who serves as a “parent” during the child’s stay, taking the child to and from school or daycare and their other normal activities.
Nurturing Home
Children may stay at Tree House for a few days or several months depending on their circumstances. Tree House is unique because we have the space to allow sibling groups to remain together. In the past few years we have been the only home that was able to take sibling groups of 4, helping minimize further disruption for their family.
Tree House provides the necessities for each child while they’re with us. Food, clothing, shoes, toiletries and school supplies are all provided to cover their basic needs. While at Tree House, the children also receive birthday parties and gifts, group outings, field trips and other special activities and experiences to help them create fond childhood memories while away from their families.
When a child leaves the Tree House they take any clothing, gifts or supplies received with them.
Daily Provisions
Tree House provides the necessities for children to function as normal as possible. Basic items such as toiletries, clothing, shoes and food, as well as toys, gifts for holidays, activities and school supplies are all provided to each child.
When a child leaves a Tree House home, they are allowed to keep everything they receive there.
Positive Outcomes
The ultimate goal for the children is to remove the abusive party or bad situation from the child’s home, so the child may be reunited with the family.
Foster care is arranged for those needing longer-term situations and if the parental rights are severed, adoption is the next step.